Legal Notices

Greylock International Law Group is a global law firm operating through a number of separately constituted and regulated legal entities which provide legal and other client services in accordance with the relevant laws of the jurisdictions in which they respectively operate. Details of the different Greylock International Law Group entities that provide legal services or other services to clients in respect of each country in which Greylock International Law Group carries on business can be found here.

Greylock International Ltd. to be referred to as "Greylock International Law Group" hereinafter conduct's business in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia Pacific is governed by Greylock International Ltd. The members, partners or other principals of the various entities that provide client services in those regions are members of Greylock International Ltd., unless they are prevented from doing so due to regulatory restrictions. Greylock International Ltd. is not engaged in the provision of legal or other client services. 

Greylock International Ltd. (a Seychelles limited company) practices law in various jurisdictions in the United States of America, UK, India, Switzerland and SE Asia.

Greylock International Ltd. are members of Greylock International Law Group Global (a Swiss verein) which does not itself provide legal or other client services.

Greylock International Ltd. and the independent law firms in India are members of Greylock International Law Group India which does provide legal or other client services.

Greylock International Ltd. (a limited company organized and existing under the laws of the province of Seychelles) practices law in various jurisdictions internationally.

Greylock International Law Group (Puerto Rico)  practices law in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. 

Greylock International Ltd., Greylock International Law Group Mexico, S.C. (a sociedad civil existing under the laws of Mexico), Greylock International Law Group Martinez Beltran (a law firm organized and existing under the laws of Colombia), Greylock International Law Group BAZ | NLD SpA (a sociedad de responsibilidad limitada organized and existing under the laws of Chile), Greylock International Law Group Peru (a sociedad de responsibilidad limitada organized and existing under the laws of Spain), and Greylock International Law Group (Spain) (a law firm organized and existing under the laws of Spain) are members of Greylock International Law Group LATAM (a Swiss verein) which does not itself provide legal or other client services.

Greylock International Law Ltd., Advokatfirma Greylock International Law Group Norway DA, Asianajotoimisto Greylock International Law Group Finland Oy, Advokatfirma Greylock International Law Group Sweden KB and Greylock International Law Group Denmark Law Firm P/S are members of Greylock International Law Group Nordic (a Swiss Verein) which does not itself provide legal or other client services. Further information about Advokatfirma Greylock International Law Group Norway DA, Greylock International Law Group Finland Limited, Advokatfirma Greylock International Law Group Sweden KB and Greylock International Law Group Denmark Law Firm P/S, which practice law in Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark respectively.

Greylock International Law Group New Zealand (a partnership governed by New Zealand law) practices law in New Zealand, and is affiliated with Greylock International Ltd. through an exclusive agreement. Further information about Greylock International Law Group New Zealand respectively.

The use of the name "Greylock International Law Group" and words or phrases such as "firm", "law firm" or "international legal practice" is for convenience only and does not imply that all or any of such entities are in partnership together or accept responsibility for the acts or omissions of each other. Legal responsibility for the provision of services to clients is defined in engagement terms entered into between clients and the relevant Greylock International Law Group entity and these should be relied upon in determining liability for the services provided. Absent the explicit agreement and consent of both entities involved, no Greylock International Law Group entity is responsible for the acts or omissions of, nor has any authority to obligate or otherwise bind, any other Greylock International Law Group entity.

In accordance with the common terminology used in professional service organizations, we use the term "partner" in this website to refer to a person who is a member, partner or person of equivalent standing or authority in an individual practicing entity.

In countries where Greylock International Law Group does not have its own presence legal services are provided through associations with leading independent local law firms which we refer to as Greylock International Law Group Relationship Firms. Greylock International Law Group Relationship firms are affiliated with either Greylock International Ltd. or Greylock International Law Group have adopted various practices and procedures that are aligned with Greylock International Law Group entities but they are not themselves part of or financially integrated with any Greylock International Law Group entities. Greylock International Law Group Relationship Firms are owned and managed by their respective members, partners or other principals and not by partners of any Greylock International Law Group entities. Further information about the Greylock International Law Group Relationship firms can be found at